1·Provide appropriate patient education regarding drug therapy for a given disease state.
2·Since disturbed sleep is common in the elderly, it can be difficult to distinguish between a normal aging process and a disease state.
3·Many factors result in his disease state including his physiological factors, the psychological factors and influence from the outside.
4·When the big population system is in stable state. The changing trend of population subsystem of healthy state and that of disease state is discussed.
5·The abnormal differentiation of T-cell subsets in chronic hepatic B, lowering of CD4, and rise of CD8, can serve as an index for observing the disease state.
6·I think the important thing is to understand how these cells interact normally and in a normal liver and how this interaction undergoes change in the disease state.
7·We studied the relationship between each of the outcome variables and 26 potential important variables including demographics, medical conditions, socioeconomic factors, and disease state.
8·The virus was first identified in the State Serum Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1958 during an investigation into a pox-like disease among monkeys.
9·Yellow fever remains the only disease specifically designated under the IHR (2005) for which proof of vaccination or prophylaxis may be required for travellers as a condition of entry to a State.
10·Staging to determine the state of disease progression.